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People Want Ed and Jessica!

Ed and Jessica before they broke up.

People want Ed and Jessica!

Well, actually, I only want Ed. Mostly. Though I admit Jessica is very attractive and I’m not narrow-minded about those things. After all, I go to a women’s college. If Rachel Maddow or Camille Paglia wanted to buy me a drink, I’d be absolutely thrilled. 🙂

But that’s not the point I wanted to make. Ed and Jessica are Ed Westwick and Jessica Szohr, who star on the hit TV drama “Gossip Girl.”

They were a couple for several months. Then Jessica cheated on Ed while he was in England making a movie. When he found out, he broke up with her in spite of her pleas for a second chance.

I don’t want to pass judgment on either of them. We’ve all been in relationships, and breakups, and it usually hurts everyone involved.

What I have learned from their experience is what most people want to read.

Two or three months ago, I wrote a short blog about Ed and Jessica’s breakup. It took about 10 minutes to write. I gave the basic facts, and referred people to TeenDramaWhore.com for more information.

I’ve written about lots of other things, such as college parties, politics, libertarianism, the Catholic Church’s child-abuse scandal, Gen Y, neuroscience, and the time I got hypnotized by videos on YouTube. I wrote about a calculus tip. I wrote about eating healthy at McDonalds. After a seminar at Smith, I wrote about ethnic groups in China. I wrote about why atheists love breasts. I even wrote some very, very bad poetry after final exams at the end of last semester.

Some of those blog articles took me several days to research and write. One blog article about human rights took a couple of months to finalize, though about half of that was for research. To tell you the truth, I’m kind of proud of some of those blog articles.

But today’s blog statistics tell the story. People read the “Jessica and Ed” article 56 times. One person read an article about women’s rights in the Sudan, one time. That’s it.

How many times people read which articles today on my blog.

The week’s statistics from yesterday say the same thing. Jessica and Ed, 251 hits. My analysis of libertarianism, 6 hits. A warning and first-person story about hypnosis on YouTube, 5 hits. Crazy health facts 4 hits, Gen Y 2 hits, then it’s 1, 1, 1. The last 1 doesn’t bother me so much, because the fewer people who read my really bad poetry, the less I’ll have to hope they forget it by the time I’m famous.

Which of my blog articles people read in the last week.

So what is the lesson from all this? I never wanted to focus just on how many readers I got. I wanted to write a blog about things that interested me, in the hope that they would interest other people as well.

That’s what I still want.

So when the spirit moves me to write about Ed and Jessica, I will. When I want to write about libertarianism, religion, politics, college, guys, or Chinese ethnic groups, that’s what I’ll write about.

I hope that you enjoy reading it, but if you don’t, then God bless you, and come back because next time the subject will be something different!

Copyright 2010 by Rinth de Shadley.

  1. July 9, 2010 at 1:03 am

    ha…that’s funny. I didn’t even know who Ed and Jessica were so I learned something new today. I’m also putting “disect this blog” on my list of things to do…you’ve really written about some noteworthy topics!

    • July 9, 2010 at 9:39 am

      Hi Mrs. K —

      Thank you for coming by and for your kind words! I’ll check out your blog as well, but I have to get to work right now … summer job. 🙂

      Talk to you soon …

  2. David
    July 12, 2010 at 3:59 pm

    I know how it is. The most popular blog I’ve written is about the Carrie Prejean story. And that was titled “Carrie Prejean had nude photos of her taken” or something like that. Seems that most of America is caught up in who’s who, who’s doing what to whom, who’s dating whom, who’s divorcing whom. Well, I watch about 20 minutes of news a day, and then it’s all about the Next Food Network Star and the Next Design Star, Deadliest Catch, and the like. I spend about 2 hours a week on network TV, and it jumps to 4 when Dancing with the Stars is on. (1 of those network hours is sports, so that jumps on Sundays during football (American football) season. People should start to realize that the content of television shows, including the news, is an afterthought. Television is all about selling advertisement, which is why the Super Bowl commercials get lots of headlines, but the World Cup Final (which had no commercial breaks except at halftime), does not.

    Hope you’re enjoying your summer, Rinth.

    • July 12, 2010 at 9:37 pm

      Hi, David —

      I can’t honestly feel too “superior,” because I do watch those shows. And yes, I do know who on “Gossip Girl” is dating whom. But at least I have other interests. 🙂

      Summer is fun. Lots of swimming, shopping, dancing, and time with fam & friends. The summer job is sometimes a little hectic but I’m learning a lot. It should make a good blog topic at the end of the summer.

      And then I will be a senior! It won’t make much difference except that next spring, I’ll know for sure what I’m doing after college. Med school looks appealing but I would want to combine it with neuroscience or psychology. The whole after-college thing is also a little scary, but it will work out.

      I hope that you are having a wonderful summer!

      • David
        July 13, 2010 at 11:36 am

        It’s one thing to watch them and follow them, it’s another to get too caught up in it. I used to be that way with sports-I would not go to church because a game was on that I wanted to watch. It’s just a matter of priorities. As long as God is #1, I mean really #1, all the rest will fall into its proper place.

        My fun was in the Philippines (when you’re not in college, ‘fun’ is limited to about two or three weeks a year, otherwise it’s short spurts on the weekends) In the Philippines, maybe because of who we were with and why we were there (to celebrate my wife’s father’s 100th birth anniversary, even though he’s been dead 15 years), the closest I got to water was to walk around the edge of my niece’s swimming pool. But lots of shopping, eating, and time with family and friends. I really love all my nieces and nephews over there-they’re all your age or a little older, and have major-league careers-opthalmologist, pediatrics, legal, architecture, education, and hospitality. I got to shake hands with Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, the president (now former) of the Philippines, and I got offered three jobs there, one for a hospital in Cebu, one for a school, and another with Toyota/Philippines. If the economy tanks here, I’ll consider those-my job with the bank I work for is majorly tied to the European and American economies.

        I can understand how the after-school prospects could be scary to you…but don’t be too scared unless your family (husband and kids) would be affected…You could always be a pro-bono doctor, I guess :), work in a poorer country for chickens and fish and rice…

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